Category Archives: Uncategorized


I believe that God will reconcile us all to himself in some way. The Christian scriptures clearly set out the hope of eternal life to the Christian. I’m not sure that the early Christians were any more in agreement about … Continue reading

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Original sin

I got nailed by my Sunday School class yesterday. It happened like this… I was doing my part-time duty teaching Adult Sunday school and we were studying Psalm 51. When we got to the verse “in sin did my mother … Continue reading

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Marx’s Criticism of Feuerbach and Its Application to Kierkegaard

Karl Marx has a clearly expressed critique of Ludwig Feuerbach; this critique is contained in Marx’s “Theses on Feuerbach.” Of course there is no expressed criticism by Marx of Søren Kierkegaard since Marx was not familiar with Kierkegaard’s works. But … Continue reading

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